Discover ÓtimoAPP+, the app for those who use public transport in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte!ÓtimoAPP+ arrived to make life easier and offer advantages for those who use the bus and need to travel around the 34 municipalities that make up our metropolitan region. Its features are fast and smart.THE BEST ROUTEWith ÓtimoAPP+ getting to your destination is easier. It calculates routes and shows you the fastest way to get around.ARRIVAL FORECASTUsing the location of buses in real time, ÓtimoAPP+ informs you of the expected arrival date of your line at the boarding point where you are.THE CLOSEST POINTYou can consult the nearest embarkation and disembarkation points to your location on the map.LINES TIMETABLESchedule your departure according to the line timetables. This way, you will always know when your bus will be on its way and its expected arrival date.KNOW THE LINESKnow the path (itinerary) your line takes when selecting it in a forecast. Also find out the names, timetables and itineraries of all metropolitan lines.ADD FAVORITESSave the lines you use most in your “FAVORITES” to access them quickly without having to search on the map.CARD RECHARGERecharge your ÓTIMO (Identified Citizen) card, without leaving home, through ÓtimoAPP+.PAY WITH YOUR CREDIT CARD OR PIXPay for OTIMO (Identified Citizen) card top-ups with your credit card, or with the convenience of PIX.IDENTIFY YOUR CITIZEN CARD (Unidentified)Havent registered yet? Migrate from the “Unidentified Citizen” category to “Identified Citizen” and obtain a world of benefits (onboard top-up, credit recovery in case of card loss or theft, etc.).GREAT SALES STATIONSConsult the OTIMO sales station closest to you.QUESTIONS, SUGGESTIONS AND COMPLAINTSRegister your questions, suggestions and complaints on ÓtimoAPP+. Your opinion is very important to us!If you want to talk to us, call 31-3516-6000 or visit